Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Spent the Sunday in Oxford enjoying the sunshine and the countryside, glad to be out of London, whatever Dr Johnson might have said! So here's a bit of a photographic record. Top left is on Magdalen St, a memorial for Cranmer and some cronies that I couldn't help but put up; the main shopping street, very much to my taste as you can see it begins with a graveyard - couldn't have written it better myself!; then there's the canal, Oxford Castle which now houses Krispy Kreme and clothes shops, and a modernist building, offices of a bookshop, to show you the sort of architectural mish-mash Oxford is. I took lots more photos but don't want to put them all up at once so might load others later. The Ashmolean museum was great, lots of mediaeval Italian and nineteenth century British art. And the journey was good too, seeing nuclear plants and the station at Slough, of The Office fame. Re-ignited my enthusiasm for travel.


Leonie said...

I really like the look of Oxford - and the sun...Did you mean to take that pic of that girl, too???

Greg said...

No the fame of featuring in a photo of mine was an added bonus for her :)
Oxford was pretty cool. I could see myself living there. Not too far from London, and with enough of its own to offer that you wouldn't want to leave every weekend anyway.