Monday, September 1, 2008

First day of work

Was today. Went quite well. I think. Everyone in the office was certainly friendly. Several of us went out to lunch and discovered a mutual addiction to Dr Who and fascination with Star Trek and Life on Mars! So we got on very well indeed. The work looks very interesting too, I spent most of the day getting my head around materials, constituencies etc. Unfotunately if I told you any more I'd have to kill you...

Last night was the social group after Mass at the Westminster Cathedrl; again they were very welcoming, very relaxed, and most of them said they're going to the Farm St YA Mass next Sunday so I'll see them again there. Which is excellent! There's also a pic of Westminster Cathedral. Oh yes, and an Arabian Coffee shop in Soho. I won't mention its near neighbours as they would not be suitable for a blog that might be read by families :) But it's good to visit during the day, espressos for 70p and Ibriks for sale! I can't wait to go and buy one for myself. That will happen as soon as I get my own place, with a stove to make Turkish coffee...


Chris said...

Great news Greg.It sounds like your colleagues are friendly and what a bonus they like Dr. Who. (They must have good taste and intelligence.) We love Dr. Who too. I'm so glad your first day at work was successful.

Leonie said...

Woo hoo! More LoM and Dr W fans!! happy feast day for today - the fest of St Gregory the Great.

Greg said...

Thanks Chris :)
And thanks to you too Mum! I got down to the Oratory for Mass last night after work...just...