Although I've been to visit the club before last night was my first official fencing class! It's hosted in the London City Police HQ, so I didn't take photos inside the venue, but along the way I walk down London Wall Rd. There's a chunk there of the old wall, and then, further down the street, a contemporary building which to mind echoes the earlier reli. Perhaps fanciful of me - or perhaps downright pretentious! Anyway I've put up a photo of that. Due to my skills it doesn't look quite as good as in real life...
Class itself was fun, practiced parries, the regular and counter, and lunges, and fenced very badly in a match against somebody.
Earlier in the day I'd walked with Br S to Westminster Cathedral and attended the 12:30 Mass there. No photos unfortunately as I'd forgotten my camera. Loved the Cathedral though! It reminded me of the Florentine Campanile, which I only know through reading Ruskin; as it looks to have been built during his period of influence though I wondered if it were possibly true. Fr B might know more on the history of that. I also discovered that every Sunday afer 7pm Mass they have a young people's social thing at the bar behind. Sounds promising! Will check it out this Sunday.
Otherwise today I'm going to buy socks, look at silent and French films. As you can see I'm partying hard on my last weekend out of the workforce!
The bar and social sounds good - nd we should do a Google search on the architecture of the Cathedral.
Hi Greg. The Shaws enjoy looking at your blog and seeing all the interesting places you visit. I just wanted to wish you well tomorrow as you start your new position. We are praying that you will settle in quickly and that your co-workers will be helpful in those first weeks.
I'll be sure to let you know how it goes!
And Chris - great to hear from you! Hi to all your family (bonjour to Olivia), and thanks for your prayers. I appreciate it.
So does London Wall Rd run on the inside or the outside of the old wall?
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