Monday, August 25, 2008

Bank Holiday

That's today. So the city will be pretty much shut down. Which is alright with me because on Saturday I went to the Latin/Greek bookshop and picked up some fantastic bargains in their 2nd hand section. A book on how to compose Ancient Greek Iambics. Res Metricae, a metrical analysis of Hellenic/Latin poetry. And an entire book on how to pronounce Latin correctly, including quantity etc! I might add that all three of these I've been coveting ever since seeing them in the Adelaide Uni library nearly four years ago now.
Oh and I also picked up Cicero's dialogue on friendship. So any day now you'll all wake up to find that I've become an awesome'd better make sure you deserve me :)


Leonie said...

O, no, no one can deserve you as a friend..:-)

You are on a book buying spree, aren't you? You've inspired Anthony to look at ancient Assyria, too.

Greg said...

Yep after living with restraint for the past nearly two months now I've thrown caution to the wind! Any day now I expect to be looking after pigs and fighting them at the trough. And no, I don't mean that as a metaphor for City Hall :)
I remember when I was nine or ten trying to find books about Asyria. It was impossible. Thank goodness for the internet!