Wednesday, August 6, 2008

City Hall

As it became sunny this afternoon I decided to go out and take some photos of City Hall - soon to be my workplace!
Going clockwise from the photo immediately to the left of this text they are: a shot of City Hall from Tower Bridge, the Belfast a little further down the river; another of City Hall showing that it is a stand alone building and not connected to those behind, as appears from the first photo; and a shot taken over a rather ugly carpark, with City Hall on the far left and, across the river on the far right, the Tower of London.
As I said in my last post, it's a very interesting piece of architecture. I suppose it could almost be called a leaning tower.

1 comment:

Leonie said...

Wow, reminds me a little of the buildings at the South Bank in Melbourne. With a very Dr Who feel ( London will always be painted wth a Dr Who brush, for me!).