Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A funny event on the weekend

On Saturday evening, after Mass at the Oratory, Nick and I walked towards Sth Kensington station in search of dinner. We found an Indian restaurant (in fact we only ate Indian because we love it so much!), it looked like a nice place and not too expensive, so we went in, the waiter gave us the menus and then said: 'Beer?'
We were shocked. Okay we were in mufti but in Australia nobody would ever assume that we were drinking beer at a restaurant. We wanted to reply: 'Nah, mate, we're Ozzies - can we 'ave a Captain Cook at yer woine list?'
It's funny that the British have appallingly poor wine lists. In Australia, land of the beer-swilling Bloke, we would have complained to each other about the crap wine list!


Anonymous said...

Did the waiter know you were Australian - was his assumption based on your origin, or just standard British practice?
I am a little surprised that wine lists in Britain are so bad, considering they're just across the Channel from Europe! How sad for them...

Leonie said...

lol! You are showing your wine snobbishness. :-)