Thursday, July 17, 2008

St Philip Neri

Made it down to the Oratory in time for the 6pm Mass - just! - and the veneration of the relics of St Philip afterwards. Mass was interesting, it was my first time at the Novus Ordo celebrated in Latin. As many of the responses were identical to the server's responses in the old rite I didn't have much trouble; it was only at the Mystery of Faith (or as the Priest said in a commanding voice, 'Mysterium Fidei') that I was lost.
Immediately following Mass the congregation went to a side altar and a priest came out with a silvery bust of St Philip which contained a relic. Kneeling he led us in a prayer to St Philip. This finished we knelt at the altar rail and kissed the relic. (Even me - once kneeling I couldn't see my way to avoiding the reliquary, familiar as it must have been with the saliva of thousands). Then the priest processed out. This was a surprise to me: I was expecting something closer to Kellyville's St Anthony devotions. Still it was worthwhile, and I will try to make a habit of it.
For dinner afterwards I had a can of mushy peas with salad and a cup of soup!


Leonie said...

Your dinner sounds cr*p! But I am envious re St Phillip Neri and the NO in Latin!

Anthony Westenberg said...
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Greg said...

The dinner was awesome actually! A can of mushy peas is about 29p and it tastes like pea soup. It's fantastic.
Speaking of cheap things I've also become completely addicted to Cadbury Curly Wurlys...

Anthony Westenberg said...

nah, I haven't posted for a while yet. I keep meaning to.

I think I'll post what I've written for my novel so far.

How much is 29p in australian money?

Speaking of mushy peas, at the restaurant we had dinner at tonight you could get mushy peas with something else.....

Anonymous said...

mmm.. I'm noting some irreverance towards venerating relics by the Westenberg boys... I feel a catechesis coming! lol FrB

Leonie said...

Good onya, Fr!!

Greg said...

I venerate the relic - it's the bodily fluids of the thousands, deposited on the surface and inadequately removed with a cloth, that I object to!!