Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Picadilly Circus

No photos yet, but am sitting in the Picadilly Circus McDonald's having just had a bagel and a cup of tea...would have liked some bircher muesli from a decent cafe but was dying under the weight of my bags and hadn't eaten since 5:30 (it's now 8:25). My next step is to find somewhere to buy a chai and then get a mobile phone...will update with some photos too when I get a chance!
One last comment - this McD's is right next to the Cafe Royal, a favourite haunt of the decadents in the 1880s and '90s; unfortunately it didn't seem to be open this early. I suppose this is not at all a decadent time to be awake...


Leonie said...

Woo hoo - not decadent at all! And how's the UK - already sounds cool...

Anonymous said...

hey greg - sounds all so cool, even the bagel and tea! have a blast of a time

Anonymous said...

How were the English friars?? pehaps better no comment! lol hope all goes well... sa a prayer for me at the Brompton. FrB