Saturday, August 30, 2008


Although I've been to visit the club before last night was my first official fencing class! It's hosted in the London City Police HQ, so I didn't take photos inside the venue, but along the way I walk down London Wall Rd. There's a chunk there of the old wall, and then, further down the street, a contemporary building which to mind echoes the earlier reli. Perhaps fanciful of me - or perhaps downright pretentious! Anyway I've put up a photo of that. Due to my skills it doesn't look quite as good as in real life...
Class itself was fun, practiced parries, the regular and counter, and lunges, and fenced very badly in a match against somebody.
Earlier in the day I'd walked with Br S to Westminster Cathedral and attended the 12:30 Mass there. No photos unfortunately as I'd forgotten my camera. Loved the Cathedral though! It reminded me of the Florentine Campanile, which I only know through reading Ruskin; as it looks to have been built during his period of influence though I wondered if it were possibly true. Fr B might know more on the history of that. I also discovered that every Sunday afer 7pm Mass they have a young people's social thing at the bar behind. Sounds promising! Will check it out this Sunday.
Otherwise today I'm going to buy socks, look at silent and French films. As you can see I'm partying hard on my last weekend out of the workforce!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

British Museum

I took Br S there yesterday morning for a visit - though I'd been with Nick we hadn't had a chance to go through the Assyrian section which I really wanted to visit (also so I could send pics back to Anthony who is interested in them).

It was a morning trip because I'd dedicated the afternoon to study. Along the way we detoured into Soho where I bought some Orange Bitters - essential for Vermouth cocktails - and saw an awesome Arabian coffee shop that I am going back to visit; if not today then tomorrow or Saturday. It looked so much fun, and so many pieces of coffee apparatus to buy!

Then at the museum was completely re-inspired to begin learning Assyrian (I have a second-hand reader and have downloaded a grammar). It was great reading about Ashurbanipal and his conquests, and the 'Standard Inscription' of Ashurnasipal, so-called because he had it written across every panel of the palace. It described his greatness as the strong one of Ashur, who was given Ashur's deadly weapon, who has brought the world into subjection, from Til'sha Abtani to Til'sha Zabdani, from the source of the Subnat river to Urartu; and other marvellous things. I was so excited reading it!!!
Anyway, the pics are of the museum, inside and out, Br standing in front of a guardian spirit from one of the entrances to the palace of Tiglath-Pileser III, and a scene showing Ashurbanipal destroying the enemy while to the left women and children are led off into slavery.
From today I might try to grow a beard I will then get curled and dyed purple... :)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Bank Holiday

That's today. So the city will be pretty much shut down. Which is alright with me because on Saturday I went to the Latin/Greek bookshop and picked up some fantastic bargains in their 2nd hand section. A book on how to compose Ancient Greek Iambics. Res Metricae, a metrical analysis of Hellenic/Latin poetry. And an entire book on how to pronounce Latin correctly, including quantity etc! I might add that all three of these I've been coveting ever since seeing them in the Adelaide Uni library nearly four years ago now.
Oh and I also picked up Cicero's dialogue on friendship. So any day now you'll all wake up to find that I've become an awesome'd better make sure you deserve me :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

With Br S

Yesterday I took a visiting friar around London- he's here to improve his English and I thought he'd have more chance if he had someone to talk to during the day! - Which was quite exhausting. After 12:30 Mass we went to Oxford Circus, then walked around Regent's Park (the first photo is in front of some roses there), went down to Knightsbridge and visited the Victoria and Albert Museum (second pic). Unfortunately the National History Museum was about to close when we got to that, so we went down to the BBC buildings and then home. He was still full of energy and exited about London but I was totally dead (did Bootcamp in the morning and hadn't eaten properly all day - Br didn't seem to need food so I felt bad stopping to eat a proper meal!). A fun day though and I said that when I next go out, eg to the Museum this week, I'll give him a call and bring him along.

(Oh and he did know Fr - asked me to say hi!)

Friday, August 22, 2008

The trouble with accomplishment...

Yesterday was a fantastic day - one of those when you achieve almost everything you wanted and which exist to remind you on your normal days just how lazy you're being!
Started the morning with self-indulgence. The Hungry Jacks (here Burger King) equivalent of a McFlurry while I spent money buying a teach-yourself German Book and an Italian Grammar and progressive reader. I've wanted to learn German and refresh my Italian for probably two or three years now so decided it was time to take the step. Then after lunch buckled down to it. Did my first lesson of German (I'd forgotten how hard it is to start a language from scratch!), then finished a translation of an Epigram by Antipater of Sidon that I'd started some days ago and been working on in my desultory way. Then went to see a unit 10mins from where I'll work and which looks quite good. Getting back I hit a vein of inspiration in my writing and put down around a thousand words in around two hours; went to Mass, doing the first lesson of Italian on the train to South Kensington. The journey back I gave myself some 'me' time and read a couple of epigrams. Mini-pizzas for dinner - really yum! - and another thousand words (I was on fire!), reviewed my German vocab, read two pages of Lysias and an elegy of Tibullus, then a lesson of Latin prose composition, finishing up with some relaxation reading Anatole France's 'L'Etui de Nacre' which means roughly 'casket of mother of pearl'. I've forgotten how to put in links or I'd add a hyperlink to a bio online...anyway I'm a big fan of his work. Thought the day was finished then but was uber-strong (my German coming through already) and after going to bed got up again for one more review of German vocab.
How I'm ever going to have so productive a day again I don't know...!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Last few days

These pics are Camden Town - the punk/goth centre of London. First shot is looking down Camden Rd to the markets, second is two shops selling large boots and leather gear. There were lots of these! Also quite a few second hand clothing stores I want to check out so will be making the trip back there soon with a recharged camera - two photos were all the batteries could stand. The other noteworthy sight was police patrols...I saw 6 seperate patrols in the half hour I was there, one of them handcuffing a youth who had apparently been harassing some girls. So a cool place but not somewhere I'll be living!
Camden Town was Tuesday. That night I went down to Hammersmith to check out the Ninjutsu dojo there. It was relaxed, not at all gung-ho, 'pain don't hurt'. Cheap too at 3 pounds a lesson (they train Tue & Wed) with 10 pounds annual insurance. I think I'll be going back.
And last night visited the City of London fencing club, also very relaxed, very friendly. I had just come to watch but they gave me a lesson both for me to see how much I remembered and for them - they don't take beginners. Still I could do the stance, the steps back and forth, and the lunges were coming back. They think I'm good enough to come back and fence so I'll probably do that too. It's 30 pounds for a month, fencing Mon, Wed and Fri - though I don't think I would make it more than once a week. I have a great fear of commitment and nearly wimped out of even visiting both places!

Monday, August 18, 2008

More photos of London

See, I've managed to remember to take my camera with me now! Unfortunately I uploaded the photos rather stupidly so they're out of order. First is Picadilly Circus seen from Regent St; I was walking back after having been to Carnaby St. Then there's the entrance to the Farm St Church. This was 50m west of Berkely Sq, literally in the heart of Mayfair. I could survive living there (though I doubt I could afford a week's rent...). Beautiful inside as well, I'll take more photos of it and of Berkely Sq when I go back for the youth mass - first Sunday in September. Then there's a liner seen from Tower Bridge. I was walking home after mass and thought it looked gigantic and that Dad might like to see it. Next is St Martin's in the Fields, behind which the National Gallery; I'm standing with my back to the Gallery looking down Trafalgar Sq for the shot of the Olympic screen at base of Nelson's column.
Carnaby St itself is next, and an awesome second hand shop selling original Mod gear. Prices weren't original however! Also no ear-rings Mum, sorry. Mostly suits, shoes, jackets and t-shirts. Great shoes I will buy at some point. Bowling shoes but coloured like the Union Jack!
Finally there's Regent St as I came back onto that from Carnaby.
At home made a fantastic lentil and vegetable curry. I sauteed the onions and spices in vinegar instead of water, adding two huge spoons of peanut butter just before serving. It was hot, with a sour edge, and the peanut butter gave it a nice earthy base. Really flavoursome!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Battersea and other travels

Ok...shots taken yesterday. The first is Charing Cross Rd, looking up towards the bookshops I managed to stop myself entering; also Leicester Sq station. The National Gallery is 50m behind me. Then having turned left and walked 100m or so I'm standing in the NW corner of Leicester Sq, first looking East and then South. There're other shops obscured by the trees. Next, having taken the overland train to Clapham Junction I stepped out into Falcon Rd, Battersea; 15 mins later I reached Rosenau Cr, where I looked at a room in a flatshare. This is the street with all the trees. It's quite cheap and the people seem friendly; however it would be an hour commute to work...In two minds. Final three photos were taken on my way to and from shopping yesterday morning so everything's out of chronological order really. (It's after crossing Tower Bridge). The first is walking towards the supermarket past a yacht mooring - the huge white one is from Dubai - Waitrose itself and heading back. In the 'back' shot you can see Jim Ferguson's Tower Hotel in the background. I'm walking in Biggles' territory!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Accomplishment! (And some other narration)

First thing - accomplishment - this morning I finally managed to do all the push-ups in Billy Blank's Boot Camp II! There're 108 0f them in total not done one after the other but in two blocks of about 50 with cardio etc in between. Ever since I started doing the boot camp I've wanted to get to this point. There's been slow progress. I managed to get to the point where only the last 5 were done on my knees; remained there for a fortnight and thought I would never crack the barrier. So it felt great this morning to finish every last one! (Admittedly sloppy on form for the last 8. A new goal!).
Other narration: well yesterday I discovered the Hellenic Bookshop which is around forty minutes walking and on the train from where I am. It also has the best collection of second-hand Latin and Ancient Greek texts I've ever seen! It was so exciting to see them all there. With great strength I managed to walk out without having spent a penny. Definitely will be going back there with a fat wallet and indulging myself at some point. In particular there's a book on advanced Greek prose composition that I have my eye on (4GBP).
Of course I should have taken my camera with me for more photos. That's another goal for me. Remember to take camera!
And finally, my dinner last night, which somehow mixed disaster and success. I made Nigella's macaroni cheese, but without a grater, forgetting salt and pepper, and adding too much milk so that instead of cooking in 15 mins I ate it after 30mins despite it needing more cooking. Surprisingly it still tasted really good! And I left the remains in the oven - not on - and they look better cooked for my dinner tonight. Which will be earlier than usual as I have to check out a place in Battersea at 8pm.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Some random photos

There's no particular reason these photos are going to be loaded except that I happened to remember my camera on the way to the Friars' today and so took some photos of the route.

The first is the approach to London Bridge station, which is huge, a junction of overland and underground rail, as well as having a large shopping area inside. The second is the street in which St Patrick's stands (you can see the green sign out the front of the church in the distance). It gives a good idea of the surrounds of Waterloo station. It used to be a poor area. The last is the entrance I used to Waterloo Station. Again, it's a very large station, so this is just one entrance. It's actually a very very large station. The walk from the Jubilee to the Bakerloo line takes forever. Nick will remember the frustration of walking that distance!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Just a quick post

In an internet cafe off the Strand, on my way to check out two flats in Earl's Court. They're self contained, the area is nice and the price doesn't sound bad. Have to wait and see!
At any rate the weather is back to being awful. In fact, the only phrase that really does it justice is 'this bloody awful English weather'!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thoughts on The Clash

My quote from The Clash in my last post reminded me of another conversation Nick and I had (it was inspired by that same quote, as we walked past Hyde Park). About how opinions change as you get older.
Three or four years ago I would have been 100% supportive of the viewpoint put forward by The Clash; I would have asked why these inequalities had to exist; why are there flats to rent in Knightsbridge for 10,000GBP a week when kids like The Clash were at the time (17,18) had, in the words of the Sex Pistols, 'no future'?
Whereas walking past Hyde Park three or four weeks ago I thought to myself: it's a two-way thing. Yes, those kids from disadvantaged backgrounds had - and have! - it harder than people who, like me, come from a supportive family, both parents University educated, etc. Still, by wearing your hair in mohawk you're not really helping your chances of getting a job, are you?
Which made me wonder if I was a punk sellout.
I don't think so.
Because I'm not saying those kids can't dress and act the way they want to. (In fact I'm more likely to think positively of someone in torn jeans and chains than in a suit and in a previous job was famous for the lengths to which I took casual Friday; with the boss's support I should add). I'm not against a lifestyle choice which puts freedom before material success. What I am against is copping out of responsibility. Yes, 'it's so lucky to be rich'; but if you think that's a desirable life-style, what are you doing about getting it? (Of course The Clash were becoming rock stars!). If you want that place in Knightsbridge, cut your hair and go to nightschool.
I think this is actually an acceptable punk ethos: to make your own decisions, to live your life independently; but most of all to accept responsibility for the choices you make. If that's a suit and an office, good for you. If it's a mohawk without a flat in Knightsbridge, again, good for you. Just don't whinge about what you've decided!
Or does that make me sound like a rabid right-winger?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

City Hall

As it became sunny this afternoon I decided to go out and take some photos of City Hall - soon to be my workplace!
Going clockwise from the photo immediately to the left of this text they are: a shot of City Hall from Tower Bridge, the Belfast a little further down the river; another of City Hall showing that it is a stand alone building and not connected to those behind, as appears from the first photo; and a shot taken over a rather ugly carpark, with City Hall on the far left and, across the river on the far right, the Tower of London.
As I said in my last post, it's a very interesting piece of architecture. I suppose it could almost be called a leaning tower.


I've been a bit slack about blogging the last few days. Partly because my wi-fi connection is down for most of the weekend, and partly because yesterday I woke up in a filthy mood after a rubbish truck drove round and round the block.
This mood wasn't helped by the fact that I had two job interviews yesterday...
Good news is that I was offered one of the jobs, a research position supporting London Assembly Members. Should be an interesting posish I think.
I would take photos of City Hall to put on the blog - it's a very interesting glass building - but the weather has been so atrocious the last few days I'll wait until it's sunny again.
Come to think of it, the weather is probably part of the reason I've been more than a bit irritable recently!
Anyway, now I have to start hunting for a flat that has an easy-get-out clause in the lease. I found one promising prospect in Knightsbridge at only 10,000GBP a week. To quote the Clash: 'It's so lucky to be rich/Sten gun in Knightsbridge!'
(Actually on the two trips Nick and I made to Harrods I couldn't stop singing that line. It was on permanent loop in my head.)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Weather today

Has been at its most cliched since Nick left. I woke up to a sunny sky; by eleven it was overcast with strong winds. Went to Mass at the Friars at 12:30, when it was sunny, and came out of Mass at 1:00 to more cloud and gusty winds. Now (I'm facing the window that can be seen in the poor photography of my room) like the future it's so bright I've got to wear shades!
And last night I was carrying an umbrella while dripping with sweat because of the humidity.
It's seriously strange.