Two more photos from the weekend - Saturday night after Nick and I had had dinner. We thought that Tower Bridge didn't open anymore, but as these photos show, that's not so. They're a bit blurry.
Particularly the second. I seem to have a talent for unwittingly producing fakes of psychic phenomena.
Irrelevantly to the posts title (interesting to me thought) I went again to the Friars for the 12:30 Mass yesterday, and found they have their own St Anthony novena on Tuesdays! After Mass a relic was placed on the altar and we said some prayers that weren't familiar to me. I did, however, recognise the song...
Then there was individual veneration of the relic and it finished. A nice touch of home!
Oh, I like the photos - and too cool re the St Anthony novena. I am sure I could recognise that song, too. :-)
People should read this.
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